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Values to Functions Given by Pairs of Values

These functions are defined in 2.6. To assign values to them a special assignation is used. Its structure is:

<name of the function> := <list of pairs>

The pairs are separated by /. Each pair is:

<value of argument>, <value of function>


     Rain := 0, 23 /31, 24 /59, 23 /81 ,37 /111 ,42 /141 ,48 /171 ,39
            /202 ,37 /232, 35 /263, 33 /293, 30 /329, 25 /365, 23;
     Tax := 0, 0 /1000, 5 /3000, 18 /5000, 22 /12000,35;
     FVehType := 1, Car /2, Van /3, Truck;
     FrVesselType := 1, 342 /2, 87 /3, 21;

Assuming that the first is of type POLYG (linear interpolation) the value Rain(72) would be, as the 72 fall in the interval 59 81:

             Rain[72] = 23 +(37 - 22) / (81 - 59) * (72 - 59) = 31.86
             Rain[263] = 33
             Rain[387] not defined

Assuming that Tax is of STAIR type (piecewise constant) it would be:

    Tax(514) = 0  Tax(2999) = 5  Tax(11500) = 22  Tax(12000) = 35
If VehType is of type DISC, then: VehType[3] = Truck VehType[1.5] not defined.

Assuming that FVesselType is of FREQ type then the probability that its value is 2 would be:
SPMamp87 / (342 + 87 + 21) = 0.193333&

domingo c
Mon Mar 20 11:16:38 PST 2000