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  1. L ::

    The incoming messages are stored into the EL_L. When the node is activated they pass to the IL_L in the same order (FIFO discipline)

  2.     Queues (L) [1..5] Gate[INO], Out::
         IF LL(EL_Gate[INO]) >= 4 THEN SENDTO(Out) ELSE FIFO;

    The messages in the ELs are sent to the corresponding ILs (which are the ELs of the Gate node). When one of this lists has 4 messages or more, the messages are sent to Out.

  3.    OrdQueue (L) E ::  IF LL(IL_OrdQueue) > 15
                           THEN SENDTO(E)
                           ELSE IF Priority < 4 THEN FIFO
                                                ELSE ORDER(Priority, D);

    If the queue is greater than 15 the message is sent to E. Otherwise, if the field Priority is 4 or more it is ordered by descending Priority, otherwise by increasing time of arrival.

  4.    QFiles (L) :: P := A / Length_a + C; ORDER(P, A);
    The messages are ordered by the ascending values (A) of the variable P computed from the field Length_a and the parameters A and C.

domingo c
Mon Mar 20 17:31:11 PST 2000