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  1.     Disposal (R) ::
        INIT  Disposal := MAXREAL;

    The node Disposal enters any quantity of messages (compatible with memory available) in its IL . They may be extracted by a REL instruction in other node.

  2.     Crane (R) Base :: RELEASE BEGIN Transported := TRUE;
                                     NOTFREE; SENDTO(Base);
                                     STAY := GAMMA(Travel_T, Dev_T);

    If the Crane is free (capacity 1 is assumed), a message (box) takes it; it uses the resource for a time took from a GAMMA distribution. When this time is over, the boolean field Transported is put to TRUE and the message is sent to Base without freeing the resource. This must be freed by a REL instruction.

  3.     Sea (R) :: STAY := FTravelTime(VesselType);
        INIT    ...       Sea := MAXREAL;

    The messages (vessels) enter the resource Sea of infinite capacity and remain there for a time given by a function FTravelTime that depends on VesselType.

domingo c
Mon Mar 20 17:31:11 PST 2000