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  1.    Tank Source for TankCar.
       A tank receives a flow of water given by a function FEntry(TIME)
       and has an outflow proportional to the Level of the tank. This is
       expressed in the differential equation for the Level. When the
       Level exceeds 3m the SendTankCar subsystem is activated. Further
       sending is inhibited until the TankCar completes its work. The
       SendTankCar subsystem sends the TankCar to Travel. When the Travel
       (to the place in which the Tank is) finishes the Level is lowered
       in a quantity corresponding to the volume of the TankCar. The
       TankCar is eliminated and the SendTankCar system may be activated
       again if Level > 3. There is an hourly Inspection that puts Alarm
       to TRUE when it finds the Level less than 2. Then the Recovering
       process begins by decreasing the rate of outflow until the Level
       3.2 is reached.
       Tank (C) ::  Level' := KQLevel * FEntry(TIME) - KOLevel * Level;
                       IF Alarm OR Recovering THEN KOLevel := 0.0018
                                              ELSE KOLevel := 0.0030;
                       IF (Level > 3.0) AND Send
                       THEN BEGIN ACT(SendTankCar, 0); Send := FALSE END;
       SendTankCar (A) Travel ::
                       CREATE(TankCar) BEGIN
                                        VTankCar := UNIF(15.3, 18.0);
       Inspection (A) ::    Tank(0); (*Update Level*)
                       IF Level < 2.0 THEN BEGIN Alarm := TRUE;
                                             Recovering := TRUE
                       IF Level > 3.2 THEN Recovering := FALSE;
                       ACT(Inspection, 3600);
        Travel (R) ::  RELEASE BEGIN
                             Level := Level - VTankCar * KQLevel;
                             Send := TRUE;
                             STAY := TravelTime;
        Exit ::
        Gra (A)   ::  IT := 15;
                       GRAPH(0, 86900, BLACK; TIME: 6: 1, WHITE;
                             Level: 6: 0, Alt, 0, 10, GREEN);
        INIT  ACT(Tank, 0); ACT(Inspection, 0); ACT(Gra, 0);
                  TSIM := 86400; 
                  TravelTime := 240;
                  Travel := MAXREAL;
                  DT_Tank := 1.0; Level := 2.0;
                  KQLevel := 0.03;    (* 1/M*M   *)
                  KOLevel := 0.0035;  (* 1/Seg    *)
                  FEntry := 0.0, 0.4 / 14000.0, 0.6 / 27000.0, 0.3 /
                                 52000.0, 0.2 / 86900.0, 0.4;
                  Alarm := FALSE; Recovering := FALSE;
                  Send := TRUE;
        DECL VAR KQLevel, KOLevel, TravelTime: REAL;
                            Level: CONT; Alarm, Send, Recovering: BOOLEAN;
           MESSAGES TankCar(VTankCar: REAL);
           GFUNCTIONS FEntry POLYG (REAL): REAL: 6;
        Computed known solutions of some systems of differential equations.
        C1 :: Y'    := R;          	(*Y := SIN(T)*)
              X'[1] := 0.1;         (*X[1] LINEAR SLOPE 0.1*)
              X'[2] := 0.2;         (*X[1] LINEAR SLOPE 0.2*)
              R'    := -Y;          (*R := COS(T)*)
              X'[3] := X[1];        (*X[3] PARABOLA*)
              Z'    := -R;          (*Z := -SEN(T)*)
        C2 :: Z'    := 0.15;        (*X[1] LINEAR SLOPE 0.01*)
              X'[1] := -X[3];       (*X[1] COS(T)*)
              X'[3] := X[1];        (*X[3] -SIN(T)*)
              S'    := Z - 2;       (*X[1] PARABOLA*)
        Gra1(A) :: IT := 0.0625;
        		   GRAPH(0, 100, BLACK; TIME: 6: 1, WHITE;
                       Y: 6: 2, SEN, -1, 1, RED;
                       R: 6: 2, COS, -1, 1, GREEN;
                       X[1]: 6: 2, Lp01, -10, 10, YELLOW;
                       X[2]: 6: 2, Lp02, -10, 10, MAGENTA;
                       X[3]: 6: 2, Parab1, -10, 10, LIGHTGREEN;
                       Z: 6: 2, MSen, -2, 2, BLUE);
        Gra2(A) :: IT := 0.0625;
        GRAPH(0, 100, BLACK; TIME: 6: 1, WHITE;
              X[1]: 6: 2, Lp01, -10, 10, YELLOW;
              X[3]: 6: 2, Parab1, -10, 10, LIGHTGREEN;
              Z: 6: 2, MSen, -2, 2, BLUE;
              S: 6: 2, Parab2, -10, 10, BROWN);
        INIT TSIM := 100; Tc := 0;
              INTI  Tc: 3: Tc (0 FOR C1, 1 FOR C2) ;
              IF Tc = 0 THEN BEGIN ACT(C1, 0); ACT(Gra1, 0) END
                             ELSE BEGIN ACT(C2, 0); ACT(Gra2, 0) END;
              DT_C1 := 0.0625; DT_C2 := 0.0625;
              Y := 0; R := 1; X[1] := 0; X[2] := 0; X[3] := 1; Z := 0; S := 1;
        DECL VAR X: ARRAY[1 .. 3] OF CONT; Z, S, Y, R: CONT; Tc: INTEGER;

domingo c
Mon Mar 20 17:31:11 PST 2000