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GLIDER procedures are:

  1. ACT schedules future activation of a node.
  2. BEGINSCAN repeats the scanning of an EL.
  3. BLOCK blocks future release events of node.
  4. CLRSTAT initializes the gathering of statistics.
  5. DEACT deactivates a node.
  6. DEBLOCK suppresses blocking of future release events of node.
  7. ENDSIMUL ends the simulation at the end of the actual event.
  8. EXTFEL extracts an event from the FEL.
  9. FIFO puts the message at the end of the IL of a L type node.
  10. FREE frees a resource.
  11. LIFO puts the message at the beginning of the IL of a L type node.
  12. MENU calls the Run Interactive Menu.
  13. METHOD defines the method of integration in a C type node.
  14. NOTFREE inhibits the release of a resource.
  15. ORDER puts the message in the IL of a L type node in a given order.
  16. PAUSE stops the execution.
  17. PUTFEL adds an event to the FEL.
  18. RETARD produces a delayed function from a given function of time.
  19. SORT sorts a list of messages.
  20. STAT displays the statistics.
  21. STOPSCAN stops the scan of a list of messages.
  22. TAB adds a value to a frequency table.
  23. TRACE starts the tracing.
  24. TRANS sends an element from a list to another list.
  25. UNTRACE stops the tracing.
  26. UPDATE updates field variables or fields of a message.

This chapter notation is the same of the chapter 6.

domingo c
Mon Mar 20 17:37:52 PST 2000