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TRANS transfers a message

    TRANS(<origin list>, | FIRST | LAST| <origin pointer> |, | A | B |, 
        <destination list>, | FIRST | LAST | <destination pointer> |);
It is used to transfer a message from one position in a list to another position in another or the same list. This procedure can be used in nodes of any type.


     SCAN(IL_Depot, P_Item) IF Cost > 500 THEN STOPSCAN;
     TRANS(IL_Depot, P_Item, B, NewProc, P_Rear);
After a scan in IL of node Dept the first message with Cost > 500 is pointed. Then it is transferred to the EL of node NewProc before the element pointed by P_Rear.

domingo c

Mon Mar 20 17:37:52 PST 2000